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The settings for the People Hub web part are organized into four sections:

  • General
  • Directory
  • Tree
  • Advanced

Below is a detailed description of each section and its configurable options.

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Data SourceSelect the source of the data to be displayed. You can choose between SharePoint User Profiles or Microsoft Graph. Microsoft Graph is recommended for faster performance and immediate profile updates. For cloud-only organizations, Azure Active Directory data is accessed via SharePoint User Profile Service (legacy) or the preferred Microsoft Graph Service. If Graph access isn't approved, use SharePoint Search Service temporarily, noting it may take up to 5 days to re-index user details.
Top of Org Browser / ChartSelect the user who will be at the top of the organizational chart or browser. The Top of Org Browser / Chart field is mandatory for the People Hub web part to properly generate and display the organizational tree. This field specifies the user who will be positioned at the top of the organizational chart. Without this information, the People Hub web part cannot construct the hierarchical structure of the organization.
Hide users if they don't have...Select filters to hide users who don't have specific attributes like a manager.
Default TabChoose which tab should be the default view when the People Hub loads.
Webpart HeightSet the height of the web part in pixels.