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Upgrading from Sprocket v4.x to v5.x

Upgrading from Sprocket v4 to v5 is very easy with minimal risk.

When we released v5 we changed our product name from Sproket 365 to Sprocket 365 (notice the 'c'). With this change of name it meant that we changed the name of the package files that are required to be uploaded into the App Catalog.

Normally when you upgrade Sprocket you can just upload the new package files into the App Catalog and just replace the files that were already uploaded. However, given the names have changed uploading the newly named packaged files will not replace the existing ones. So follow the below steps first.


We recommend you perform this upgrade after business hours. As the filename of the packages have changed, SharePoint doesn't clear cache and users may receive web part errors until server cache is cleared. The cache will clear itself within 8 hours.

Steps to upgrade

  1. Delete both the existing sproket-library.sppkg and sproket-365.sppkg files in the app catalog.
  2. Follow the Installing Sprocket steps.

If by accident that you forgot the delete the v4 files (the Sproket packages with out the 'c') before you tried to upload the v5 packages then you will see an error message when SharePoint tries to active the package. Don't stress, its not a big deal. Just delete all the Sprocket & Sproket packages and then follow the Installing Sprocket steps.


Will I lose any data when I upgrade?

No data will be lost when doing the upgrade. When uploading packages you are simply updating the Javascript files that are being executed.

Are there any additional fees to access the latest version?

No, all updates are included in your subscription.