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Read Lists


Configurations in this section can only be performed with advanced permissions. Ensure that you have full permissions to the site or you are one of the read list admins.


Read Lists enable site administrators and users to manage the list of pages to be read. You can access Read Lists by clicking the Sprocket icon ( ) available at the bottom left. Upon clicking this icon, the Configuration popup is displayed. Click the Read Lists tab to access Read Lists section.


  • Create and manage Read Lists
  • Issue pages to Read Lists
  • Create assignments and assign to users/user groups
  • Manage list permissions
  • Track assignment compliance
  • Export date to Excel

To access the Read List Admin Center, click the Read List Admin icon on the upper-right. The Read List Admin Center pop-up is displayed.

Creating a New Read List

Perform the following procedure to create a Read List:

  1. At the bottom of the Read List Admin Center pop-up, click the New Read List icon. The New form is displayed.
  2. Enter a name for the Read List in the Read List Name field and click Create. The pages available within the site are displayed.
  3. Select the check boxes adjacent to the pages you want to add to the Read List.
    Use the Filter by Title option to search for a page.
  4. In the Audience Type section, select one of the following:
    • Users & Groups
    • Users
  5. In the Audience field, enter the users and groups.

    As you type the users or groups, available options are displayed in the drop-down list.

  6. Turn on the Require Fresh Reads option, if you want the readers to read the page even if they already have read it as part of another read list.
  7. In the Pages must be read after field, select a date from the calendar to read the selected pages again, if the users haven't read them after the specified date.

    This option is available only if you have enabled the Require Fresh Reads option.

  8. Turn on the Set Due Date option, if you want to set due dates for all the pages in the read list to be read.
  9. In the Due Date field, select a date from the calendar to read the selected pages on or before the specified date.

    This option is available only if you have enabled the Set Due Date option.

  10. In Admins field, add users as admins of the current read list.
  11. In Status field, select Active from the drop-down list to set the read list as active.
  12. Click Save button to save the Read List. The read list is saved and is displayed in the Read List Admin Center.

Editing an Existing Read List

From the list of existing read lists in Read List Admin Center, you can click icon to update the details of a read list.

Notification Settings

On the Read List Admin Center, click the Notifications tab and enable to option to receive notifications when a user completes the pages in a read list. You can also manage the delivery schedule and the notification email content of the notifications on this tab.


Only the users listed in the Admins field will receive these notifications.

Generating Reports

From the Reports tab, you can view the summary of the user specific and holistic read list activity. You can also export the detailed reports as spreadsheets.

Sending Reminders

On the Read List Admin Center, click the Reminders tab to schedule reminder emails and content to be sent the incompliant users.

Managing Assignments

To create assign Reading List to users or user groups, perform the following procedure:

  1. From the list of existing Reading Lists, click the icon, adjacent to the Read List you want to assign.
    The Assignments page is displayed.
  2. Click the icon.
  3. In the Assignment Name field, enter a name for the assignment.
  4. Select the Audience Type as Users or Users & Groups.
  5. In the Audience field, enter a keyword and select the User or User Group.

You can assign the read list to multiple users or user groups simultaneously.

  1. Click Save button to save the Read List.

Monitoring Compliance

After assigning the Read Lists to users/user groups, you can click icon to monitor progress and completion status. This option is available in the following sections:

  • Read Lists
  • Assignments
  • Edit Assignment

Along with the Users list, the Compliance section uses a pie chart to depict the completion status.

Webpart Settings

You can configure the webpart display for the following options:

Show TitleTurn on to display the Read List title.
Show in PanelTurn on to display the Read List in the panel.
Query All Site CollectionsTurn on to display all the read list items from all the site collections.
Only Show Unread ItemsTurn on to display only the unread pages in the read list.
Maximum Number of ItemsEnter the maximum number of items to be displayed in the read list.


Supported audience types:

  • Any user
  • Microsoft 365 Groups
  • Guest Users

The following are currently unsupported:

  • Distribution Lists
  • Active Directory Security Groups
  • Resources